
In the past decade, Data has grown to be of utmost importance. Multinational companies produce data in enormous amounts. To manage this Data, discern the hidden patterns, and analyze it to shape it into meaning, by using sophisticated methods and tools, Data Science has come into action. Today, a Data Scientist is seen to be one of the most valuable positions.

Why Data Science?
Learning data science could help you to build a career in this field. As this is the future of jobs investing in its learning today means, it would come with manifold returns. You get to learn about the latest technologies with which companies work. A deep understanding of them puts you in a position to work with them. Data nowadays is fuel for the organization from 2 decades.


Enhance your career by acquiring knowledge of the future and skills to help secure your job. Classdoors Data Science program covers all essential aspects of data science. We aim to build your future by teaching you tools and methods of machine learning, statistics, programming, modeling, and databases. Classdoors, a data science program, would ensure you achieve all the proper knowledge and skills to help you get to the top. We have collaborated with leading companies in the industry so that you get roles like Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and Data Engineer. Kick start your career with our instructors that will guide you to your success path and enrich your skills with their experience in the industry. Enroll in the Classdoors data science program to learn the language and job of the future.


  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Model Building and Fine Tuning
  • Supervised and Unsupervised learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Ensemble Processing
  • Key Feature

  • 12 Months Online Training
  • Career Assistance
  • Capstone Project
  • Globally Renowned Trainers
  • Multiple live Projects
  • 25+ Industry Graded Projects
  • 200+ Hours Online Live classes
  • Program

    Program Prospectus

  • A structured introduction to programming by using Python and R (open-source software).
  • Working with My SQL to learn Management System.
  • Understanding the document-oriented platform MongoDB.

  • Data analysis
  • Learning decision-making through statistical methods.
  • Perform exploratory data analysis by using advance profilling tools.
  • process and prepare the data by using advanced data cleaning
  • Learn advanced data transformation, data processing and data mining techniques.
  • Understanding the know-how of Data analysis.
  • Machine learning techniques
  • Administered learning of Regression.
  • Ensemble methods.
  • Utilizing Flask to learn Machine learning model development.
  • Administered learning of Classification.
  • Introduction to free Based Modely.
  • Introduction to Stastical Modelling.

  • Data visualization
  • We learn data visualization using Tableau, Google Data Studio, and Power Bi.
  • Learn Numphy, panda and Scraping
  • Introduction to big data & spark
  • Introduction to basic Charts. Mapping and geospatial Visualization

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Learning Text Mining and Sentimental Analysis
  • A complete introduction to Natural Language Processing.
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • A comprehensive introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
  • Computer Vision.

  • Capstone Projects

    1. Detection of Spam Reviews
    2. Gesture Recognition using Computer Vision
    3. Opinion Mining on Mobile Phone Features

    Upon Completion of Course

    1. You will be thorough with all analytical tools and technologies.
    2. You will be able to put into use the machine learning techniques.
    3. You will be thorough with Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing.
    4. You can present yourself as a data scientist, analyst, and engineer.